Matthias Braendle (Aigle, 30.10.2014, 51.852 km)

The picture above links to:

Article in "velonews": Matthias Braendle beats Voigt’s hour record, riding 51.852km


Split times:

Split Times


Grenchen, 18.09.2014
Aigle, 30.10.2014
time avg. speed time avg. speed
1 1.14.01 48.635 1.15.029 47.981
5 5.56.12 50.545 5.49.056 51.567
10 11.48.74 50.794 11.32.027 52.021
15 17.42.8 50.809 17.16.636 52.09
20  23.39.19 50.733 23.01.16 52.130
25 29.36.33 50.666 28.46.465 52.130
30 35.32.76 50.639 34.31.78 52.129
35 41.27.46 50.654 40.19.576 52.075
40 47.26.66 50.764 46.07.93 52.024
45 53.01.21 50.924 52.01.276 51.902
50 58.44.16 51.076 57.51.531 51.850
1 hour 51.115 51.852




A graph by Xavier Disley:

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